Email Marketing: Definition, Types and Tips for Making it

In an era of increasingly sophisticated technological developments, companies in running their business use the most efficient way possible in carrying out marketing strategies. Including one of them in this case is using email marketing which is still the mainstay of many companies, this cannot be separated from the activity of sending emails that occur continuously.

The rise of the use of social media amid the rapid development of technology, this also has an impact on marketing. Social media marketing is a popular term, like it or not, business people, especially large companies, must adapt to these developmental changes in order to continue to exist and be able to compete to make a profit.


Interested in trying email marketing to promote products and services? Come on, find out the meaning, types, benefits, and tips for creating email marketing that is attractive to your audience below!

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a marketing strategy that can make consumers receive product promotions, discounts or programs that you offer via email. In addition, email marketing can also be a way to educate audiences about brand values, maintain relationships with audiences, and encourage purchases or other specific actions.

There are several types of email marketing, each type has a different purpose. Here is the explanation:

1. Welcome email

Welcome emails are emails created to welcome new customers and make them learn more about the products or services you offer.

2 . Email newsletters

Email newsletters are typically used to show audiences new products and services. You can also include blog articles or stories from customers in the email. Usually, there is a call to action for the reader such as reading a blog article or checking out a new product.

3. Custom e-mail

You can use this email to reach a specific or specific audience. For example, audiences that have recently purchased products, customers who have been inactive for a long time, and new members.

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4. Email invitations

Invitation emails are often used to announce events, new product launches, and seminars. Most companies use this email to share something special to get a lot of attention from their audience about an event or product.

5. Promotional emails

Promotional emails are among the most common and are aimed at a large audience. These emails are used to notify of promotions and to tempt audiences with new products or services. The following is an example of email marketing for promotions:


6. Survey emails

Feedback from customers is one of the best tools for evaluating and growing a business. Apart from getting input, this email also shows that your brand values and listens to the opinion of your audience. Brands want to create experiences, products or services that audiences are passionate about.

7. Seasonal email marketing

Many companies or brands take advantage of the holiday season or certain moments to reach their audience with product or promotional information. This email is usually associated with Valentine’s Day, Eid al-Fitr, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Shah’s Day, and other special days.

What are the advantages of using email marketing?

Following are some of the benefits or advantages of promoting products and services via email marketing:

1. Can create personalized content

With email marketing, you can create personalized content. The simplest personalization is for example by entering the recipient’s name in the email. Maybe you’ve received a promotional email from a brand and they mentioned your name at the start.

This makes the message sent by the brand seem more personal and only intended for one person. In addition, you can send emails with different campaigns to different targets. For example, sending a welcome email to new members.

2. Increase sales

Reporting from Constant Contact, 60% of consumers say that they have made a purchase because of the marketing email they received. Promoting a product or service via email marketing gives your audience the opportunity to make a purchase right from their laptop or mobile phone. For that, don’t forget to include the appropriate CTA to direct the audience.

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The more relevant and targeted the email content is, the more likely readers are to take action (purchases, downloads, donations, and other specific actions).

3. Building relationships with customers

Email marketing can help brands build relationships with customers by getting the information they want straight to email on a consistent basis. When a brand succeeds in helping your audience with the products or services you offer, interesting tips, vouchers or birthday wishes can make your audience appreciate and trust your brand.

Finally, they will see more of your business and the information you provide them. Then, if they need a product or service, they will remember your brand first compared to other brands.

4. Increase brand recognition

With email marketing, you can display your brand via email in each audience’s inbox. Through design, brand name, and content that has consistent value, it can make the audience slowly recognize your brand.

5. Adding traffic to the website

In email marketing, you can include the appropriate link or link to the website. You can also engage customers with other interesting content available on your website or blog.

For example, you send an email about the latest product with a big discount but have to make a purchase through the official website. Then the audience will be directed to visit the website to make a purchase.

6. Optimizing time and budget

Email marketing has a lower cost than other marketing channels. This helps small businesses to be able to promote their products and services via email. In addition, email marketing can be done automatically but still be personalized and tailored to the target audience. Of course it helps you save time and marketing costs.

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Tips for creating email marketing

Here are some tips for making email marketing so that the results are maximized:

1. Personalize

Email marketing allows you to communicate directly with users/consumers, personalize names, and make the message feel personal only for them. You can take advantage of this feature to create messages that seem personal and suit each target audience.

2. Use an engaging title

Using an interesting email subject or title is very important to increase the email open rate. You have to make a title that is on topic and not spammy. If the audience feels cheated, they will unsubscribe or mark your email as spam. This certainly reduces the number of consumers who can be reached via email.

3. Keep the message short and clear

Reporting from Digital data: Indonesia 2022, 94% of people access the internet using a mobile phone. Most likely the email is opened via a mobile device, therefore you must keep the message short and to the point. Direct the audience to the blog or landing page to find more complete information.

4. Include a CTA in the email

Don’t forget to include a CTA in the email that you have written. This can help the audience to know what steps they should take next. For example, you can add a CTA ‘SHOP NOW’ to direct the audience to the purchase website or a CTA ‘DOWNLOAD FREE!’ to direct the audience to download the application. Add a CTA that matches the specific action you want.

5. Use a legal email list and offer attractive promos

As we know, data leaks are very common nowadays. Likewise with e-mail data. But, avoid buying email lists, OK? The audience does not give permission to receive product information from your brand. So, send email marketing only to the list you have, OK? Apart from that, make sure you write quality content and offer attractive promos.